Kesha #A5533445 also has the meaning “great joy”, and we think she will be great joy to the family who adopts her. | Central Bark
Kesha #A5533445 also has the meaning “great joy”, and we think she will be great joy to the family who adopts her. | Central Bark
From March 11, 2023 post
Update: ADOPTED! Darla is just dorbs! Darla, #A5537966, is listed as a two year old, 69 pound German Shepherd mix. I definitely see the mix! She reminds me of my grandparents’ dog, no specific breed, just a good ol’ dog! Darla arrived at County of Los Angeles - Castaic Animal Care Center as a stray on March 4. Staff are recommending a home with humans middle -school-age or older and calm dogs. She seems like a sweet girl but come see for yourself during walk-in hours 2-5 daily and 2-7 on Wednesdays or schedule a morning appointment at
Photos: Renee Focht
#germanshepherdmix #DarlaisDorbs #DarlaCastaic
Original source can be found here.